Feritva de firma aceasta sunt cei mai hoti din toata Olanda de la recrutor pana la director general va umbla la ore nu face plata corect niste nesimtiti mai bn lucrati la patroni din Romania cred ca sunt mai corecti decat acesti .......... nu vreau sa vorbesc urat ca merita multe cuvinte, niste escroci ordinari ar merita sa facem un grup cu toti care au luat teapa de la ei ca garantat nu suntem singurii ( noi am fost 3 baietii ) , si aa le facem zile fripte sa vada ca romanii nu sunt niste fraierii cum cred ei, si mai ales la romancele alea recrutoarele ar trebuii sa va dati demisia sa nu le mai aduceti romani sa isi bata jegurile alea joc de ei rusine sa va fie
I have been working for about 10 months through Haldu Group and I have only good things to say about this company. Payments are always on time, everything discussed is followed, people are friendly and ready to help. In general, I am satisfied with Haldu Group.
Pay for your own flight, pay for taxis, Uber, trains, buses, taxis, before starting to work you spend a lot of money, and the first week there is no pay, they pay you after the 2nd week, €200 for a car. Deposit, you pay the diesel plus €50 per week, the salary? €500 per week, the worst of all is the housing they provide to live in conditions that even a dog would reject because it is unhygienic to live in that house, I leave photos below.
Ik werk sinds kort als recruiter bij Haldu Groep en kan met overtuiging zeggen dat het een fantastische ervaring is! Vanaf dag een heb ik me gewaardeerd en ondersteund gevoelt. De werksfeer is collegiaal en professioneel, waarbij iedereen zich inzet voor het gazemenlijke succes.