
Anónimo 2


Pay for your own flight, pay for taxis, Uber, trains, buses, taxis, before starting to work you spend a lot of money, and the first week there is no pay, they pay you after the 2nd week, €200 for a car. Deposit, you pay the diesel plus €50 per week, the salary? €500 per week, the worst of all is the housing they provide to live in conditions that even a dog would reject because it is unhygienic to live in that house, I leave photos below.


We regret that you left a negative review. However, there are always two sides to a story. On Monday, 24-06-2024, you visited our office to start work on Tuesday. That evening you sent the photos you attached to your review. Our colleague contacted you immediately to discuss and resolve this. It was agreed that this would be resolved the next morning. The next morning you decided to stay in bed and didn't feel like getting up and you didn't feel like working at all. It is disappointing that we are being portrayed in a negative light when you did not want to work and we were actually trying to resolve the situation.

Reactie van Haldu Groep

Bron: Google review

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