
Ali Akbar


Unethical & unfair appraiser. They usually work with unscrupulous makelaars in Almere to inflate property value to defraud buyers into over bidding. An honest appraiser should be independent without having any conflict of interest with the parties involved. It's not up to the expats to clean the system. NVM, NWWI & Authorities should take suo moto & clean the system. More is needed to be done to make the process more transparent & fair.


Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I truly appreciate your perspective, even if it reflects a more personal view of the situation. I understand how frustrating it can be to feel like the system isn’t working fairly. As a company, we are committed to upholding transparency and integrity in our appraisals. As a certified NVM valuator, we have strict standards, and every report is reviewed by the NWWI. This makes that we cannot influence our valuations, which helps maintain fairness in the appraisal process. If you have any further questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We believe that happy clients are our top priority!

Reactie van Takken Taxaties

Bron: Google review

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