
Kayenat Aziz


I had a disappointing and frustrating experience with this service. The makelaar booked both the technical inspection and the house appraisal on my behalf, scheduling them simultaneously—a significant error. Logically, the technical inspection should have been completed first, followed by the appraisal. This oversight placed me in a difficult situation, ultimately leading me to cancel the offer after reviewing the house more thoroughly during the technical inspection.

Only after cancelling, I received an appraisal report, along with an invoice of €750, which was of no use for me.

I tried to reach a fair compromise by offering to pay a reasonable amount for their time and effort. Unfortunately, they were adamant about charging the full amount. Any genuine, customer-focused business would have considered this as a goodwill gesture, which could have earned them long-term customer loyalty and recommendations. Instead, they prioritized short-term profits over customer satisfaction.

To add to the frustration, the house was later sold for a price much lower than their appraised value, raising serious doubts about the credibility of their appraisal and hinting at a potential vested interest with the makelaar.

I strongly advise others to be cautious when dealing with this company!

Bron: Google review

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