10 Bereikbaarheid en communicatie
10 Deskundigheid
10 Onderhandeling en resultaat
10 Prijs / kwaliteit
soort review: Aankoop
Anil Göl (zoeken en aankoop)


When we started the house hunting adventure and when it was time to choose a buying agent, we have interviewed many people. After the interview, we thought Rik from Daanmakelaardij was a bit less professional relative to others but he gave us the feeling that he was sincere and supportive. After thinking about it for a whole weekend with hesitation we decided to continue with Rik. Turns out it was the best decision. He ended up being a very professional buying agent. Every house we have stepped in, he checked every part of the house in detail. He came to all of his appointments in time. We were late a couple of times, at those times he was very understanding and even did everything he could for us to be able to see the house. He was always positive, cheerful and supportive. After viewing the house he had shared detailed information about the house that we've missed and if there was anything that we should be careful about the house he had warned us. Whenever we got bad news he always cheered us and helped us to get through it. He had been able to get viewings for nearly all the houses we wanted with his team. He never left our questions unanswered. In the times of housing crisis in The Netherlands, he was very helpful about the price estimations and the overbidding; his estimations was almost always right. We thank a lot Rik from Daanmakelaardij. If we would ever decide to sell the house that we are living in now, we would work with Rik.

"Ja, ik beveel dit bedrijf aan"
Bron: Funda review

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