10 Bereikbaarheid en communicatie
10 Deskundigheid
10 Onderhandeling en resultaat
10 Prijs / kwaliteit
soort review: Aankoop
Kermani (zoeken en aankoop)


After 4 years living in the Netherlands, still buying the first house is the most challenging we ever tried. Knowing all terms, conditions and information in Dutch will be confusing as well, but we didn't experience any difficulty in this way with Anne Maria Lankhorst from De Keizer Houten. Surly, she is the expert who helped us to target the best buying price, realistic and most important the evaluation skills and market sense. Everything goes smooth and perfectly on time with Anne Maria Lankhorst with a lot of support and positiveness in whole process. All in all, we are grateful to choose De Keizer and definitely suggest them to who is looking for a trustful Makelaar.


Thank you for this wonderful review! We wish you both a lot of happiness in your new home! Kind regards, team De Keizer Houten - Anne Marie, Genendel, Jasper en Sabina

Reactie van De Keizer Makelaarsgroep

"Ja, ik beveel dit bedrijf aan"
Bron: Funda review

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