My experience with People Work Service has been very positive. From the first moment, they show great interest and commitment to the workers.
The selection and onboarding process was quick and well organized, providing all the necessary facilities to start working in the Netherlands (accommodation, house, documents...).
Throughout this time, they have always shown concern and interest with all my work-related concerns.
Thanks to your support, this experience has become something truly special and enriching.
Thank you very much for everything!
I don't work with them. My partner and our good friend work with them. But if I'm ever looking for a job, I'll go to them first. We turn to them for help and advice with anything, and they will do anything to help! I have never met such a team. All my respect and appreciation to them. Friends and supporters!!!
I greet them with deep respect!
Ilona Apatne Makai
A legjobb, a leg becsĂŒletesebb, a leg segĂtĆ kĂ©szebb, a leg ... leg ... leg ... jobb iroda! Több irodĂĄnĂĄl voltam, de mĂ©g ilyen embersĂ©ges mĂłdon sehol nem bĂĄntak velem. Legyen ez munka, legyen ez magĂĄnĂŒgyi problĂ©mĂĄd ... karĂł egyenesen ĂĄllnak melleted. Itt ember vagy, itt barĂĄt vagy, itt többett kapsz mind egy munkĂĄt!
Köszönöm hogy veletek lehetek. Köszönöm hogy vagytok nekem
Jozsef Kusztor